Whether in joy or obedience, we believe that giving is an act of worship and trust. When we give, we empty ourselves in order to be filled again by God.
Tithing began as an Old Testament law in which the Israelites were required to give ten percent of their crops, livestock and income to the temple to support the work of God which was carried out by the priests and the Levites. The word tithe means “a tenth of”. In the New Testament we live free of the Law but we are exhorted again and again to be generous and to give to the work of the church and those serving in ministry. Many Christians use ten percent as a minimum in their giving with extravagant generosity being the goal. We should give as we are able. We should give when it’s uncomfortable and requires faith. Sometimes that’s a lot and sometimes a little. Every Christian should pray and seek wisdom from God in regards to giving, as well as pure motives and a worshipful heart.
“For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what one does not have.” 2 Corinthians 8:12
“Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” Luke 6:38
“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7
Cash and checks are always welcome. You can put them into the offering basket as its passed or drop them into one of the giving station cabinets at the back of the chapel, near the exit doors. You can designate on your giving envelope or check to which funds you would like to donate. You can write a single check for multiple funds. If cash is donated without an envelope, it is deposited as an anonymous donation. Please put cash into an offering envelope with your name on it in order to receive tax credit.
Attention all Cornerstone givers, we are changing our giving platform from Kindrid to Pushpay!
For your convenience, we have set up safe and secure online giving through Pushpay as our online giving platform. We encourage you to set up your giving to be withdrawn directly from your bank account (ACH) as this incurs the lowest fees for the church. ACH requires your bank account number and routing number, both of which you can find on a bank statement or online banking app. Pushpay will not take money out of your account without permission from you. You are also welcome to use apple pay or your debit or credit card. You can schedule recurring donations so the amount you set will be automatically deducted at the time interval you set. Click Cornerstone's Pushpay GIVE link below for secure online giving.
*********To CANCEL your recurring giving through Kindrid, click HERE ************
Kindrid Phase Out - We are hoping to phase out Kindrid and have everyone switched over to Pushpay by the end of March so please reach out if you need any help. We will have some tech savvy people ready in the lobby to help you and you can call the church office as well.. Click HERE to log into your Kindrid account. To cancel recurring giving through Kindrid, make sure you are logged in and press the menu button in the top left corner. Tap “recurring” and cancel your recurring gift.
NEW TEXT TO GIVE NUMBER! We encourage you to save Cornerstone's "text to give" designated phone number, (833) 794-6588, in your phone which will be linked to your online account, making giving even easier! You can text to give from anywhere at any time on your phone. Text the word GIVE and a dollar amount (example: give 100) to donate to our main fund. Your personal mobile phone number is your Smart Giving account number.
General Giving and Tithes: give | Missionary Support: missions | One House Giving: house | Youth Ministry/Events: youth | Kids Ministry/Events: kids | Women’s Ministry/Events: women | Men’s Ministry/Events: men | 5 Loaves 2 Fish Homeless Outreach: homeless | Hospitality/Events: hospitality | Horizon Pregnancy Clinic: hpc | Karl Vaters: Vaters | Jabulani Kids: graham | Wycliffe PNG: campbell | Teen Challenge Romania: baciu | EPP Marseille: reichor | Pray For France: abina | Youth Alive - Eliot Bland: bland
However you choose to do it, thank you for your giving! All records are kept for tax purposes.
Questions? Email us at