9AM & 11AM
Cornerstone Kids cares about your children! Our goal is to partner with parents in training them in the ways of the Lord. Our Sunday morning program includes Bible lessons that promote specific virtues and character traits that we feel are monumental in raising up kids who love Jesus and want to share His love with others. Check-in is on our patio starting 15 minutes prior to each service. Ages: Infants to 5th grade
Sunday mornings at 9 & 11am, children who are in preschool (potty-trained) and elementary school will meet for a worship service including an engaging story from the Bible, crafts, games and more! Infants to 3 year old children (not potty-trained) will enjoy play time, simple crafts, and worship with trained, screened attendants in our Nursery. All programs are free of charge and are located in the secured patio area and classrooms. The check-in area is located on our front church patio near the gate entrance to the kids area. Please make every effort to arrive 10 - 15 minutes early as this helps your kids transition well. If you are planning your first visit to Cornerstone or you haven’t been in a while, please fill out this form to register in our system.
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to remain up to date and to hear more info about Sundays!
Join our Family Devotions and check out our curriculum on the Bible Engagement Project App using parent code: ZNA6QK
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. - Deuteronomy 6:5-7