CORNERSTONE UTH (youth) - THURSDAYS, service at 7pm but arrive early
Be a part of something significant. Join us every tHURSDAY night for a youth service geared for Jr. High and High School students. come early for hangs and skating! starting at 5:30pm, Students are welcome to hang out and use the skatepark or hang out on the patio with friends. at 7pm we have a service driven by relationships, GAMES, worship, and Bible messages that address relevant topics that students are dealing with. We will wrap up by 8:30 pm.
We will be moving YOUTH night to Thursday nights at 7pm starting January 9th. Email the Church if you have any questions..
Helmet and waiver required to be on the skate park.The Service will be held at the skate park in the parking lot at Cornerstone led by Beto Anguiano. Drop offs are ok! Come check it out and bring your friends! We will not be meeting.

“UOTF” - UTH Own The Front - Join us on Sundays at 11am for worship and a message!
Your pastors/leaders are here for the 9am service so you can come to that one too if you can’t make it to the 11am service. We just want to try to get you all together for one service and OWN THE FRONT row!!