We are in our new series, ALL IN, for the month of March. Join us at 9 & 11 am for worship, prayer, the Word, and community.
Men’s golf
Join the men of Cornerstone for an afternoon of golfing at Newport Beach Golf Course. Click the button below to register and pay.
Sunday, March 9th following second service (12:45pm)
Cornerstone's Annual Business Meeting - It’s that time of year again! Time to celebrate all that God has done in our church. Official members are needed and asked to attend as part of your membership obligations. Non-members are welcome to attend and hear all the good stuff, you just can't vote. We will be voting to confirm current Board Member Brian Garrett to serve a second term. We will also be going over last year's and this year's budgets, voting to approve them, and hearing about the exciting plans ahead for Cornerstone. Please mark and save the date in your calendar and plan to be there. We cannot conduct the meeting without our members so we thank you in advance for making plans to attend!
We will have lunch together right after church and then start the meeting. Expect to stay for about an hour. We will need members to sign in to ensure we make quorum.
*Costco pizza plates with 2 slices, salad, and a drink will be available for $5 per plate. Pay with cash or card.
Sunday, March 23rd (between services, 10:30am)
Baptisms - Have you accepted God’s gift of grace through Jesus Christ and now follow him as your Lord and Savior? Sign up to be baptized! Join us for a time of baptisms and celebration and invite your friends and family. Please sign up on Sunday to be included. You will need to attend the Baptism class the Sunday prior, March 16th, between services (10:15-10:45am) so you have a clear understanding of baptism and all the details of the morning. Sign up sheet will be on the table in the lobby.
BGMC Sunday - Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge giving will be collected in the main service on March 23rd. Please bring your loose change so our jr. ushers can collect it. Cornerstone Kids will be bringing in their Buddy Barrels full of change on the following Sunday, March 30th. Lets’ encourage our kids to give generously to missions by setting the example!
HEiRS Conference
Register today for Cornerstone Women’s HEiRS Conference. Saturday, March 29th at 6 pm
Preschool See's Candy Fundraiser
Looking for Easter candy or just love See's?! Check out Cornerstone Preschool's See's fundraising page. All profits go to the preschool. Let's help them meet their fundraising goals!
Attention all Cornerstone givers, we are changing our giving platform from Kindrid to Pushpay!
We are truly grateful for our community of generous givers and we hope to increase and unleash generosity in our church as we switch over to a new and exciting service that will include a giving app in the near future. Pushpay is easier and more responsive and we hope that you will all make the switch with us ASAP.
We are hoping to not miss a beat in this transition and we are here to help you get on board. If you are new to giving or you've been giving for years, Biblical financial stewardship is the best way to grow in generosity. Please help us further the work of the church and keep the lights on by clicking the link below to go to our Giving page. There you can set up recurring giving or give a one time gift through Pushpay.
For online giving, you can use apple pay, debit or credit cards, but setting up an ACH payment directly from your bank incurs the lowest fees for the church. ACH requires your bank account number and your routing number, both of which you can find on a bank statement or online banking app. Pushpay will not take money out of your account without permission from you. We still accept all cards and Apple pay for recurring or one time gifts.
Easily set up recurring giving through Pushpay. Click on the prompts for your desired schedule of giving. If you are currently on a giving schedule through Kindrid, make sure you cancel your Kindrid giving by clicking HERE and turning off recurring giving in your Kindrid account.
You can text to give through our NEW number (833) 794-6588 from anywhere at any time on your phone. Text the word GIVE and a dollar amount (example: give 100) to donate to our main fund or choose other key words to designate your funds. Make sure you save the new number in your phone and erase the old one!
Of course cash and checks are always welcome. Put them into the offering basket as its passed or drop them into one of the giving station cabinets marked "GIVE" at the back of the chapel near the exit doors. You can designate on your giving envelope or check to which funds you would like to donate. You can write a single check for multiple funds. If cash is donated without an envelope, it is deposited as an anonymous donation. Please put cash into an offering envelope with your name on it in order to receive tax credit.
However you choose to do it, thank you for your giving! All records are kept for tax purposes.
We will have people ready to assist you with setting up your account, should you need it. Visit the info table in the lobby on Sunday for Pushpay help.
Kindrid Phase Out - We are hoping to phase out Kindrid by the end of March so please reach out if you need any help. We will have some tech savvy people ready in the lobby to help you. Click HERE to log into your Kindrid account. To cancel recurring giving through Kindrid, make sure you are logged in and press the menu button in the top left corner. Tap recurring and cancel your recurring gift.
Church Giving Statements - Statements have been emailed to all donors for whom we have email addresses. Be sure to click the link in your email and print it out within the next few weeks as the link will expire. Donors for whom we only have home addresses have been mailed their statements. Donors for whom we have neither email nor home address will be kept in the church office and given out as requested. Please be sure to check your email (and junk mail), and snail mail. If you haven’t received one or need corrections, please contact the church office at church@cornerstonefv.com. Thanks for giving!
Bible In A Year - Join us in reading the entire Bible in 2025! If you’ve never read the Bible all the way through, we highly encourage you to journey through scripture with us in this format to get an overall picture of the unfolding story of God. Each day you will be reading in the Old and New Testaments as well as Psalms and Proverbs. If you have done this before and want to stay on a consistent reading plan, jump in with us again! The Holy Spirit will encourage your reading and equip you with understanding as you live in submission to Christ. If you miss a day or a week, hop back in on the current day. Use any combination of reading a paper Bible, reading in the app, and listening in the app. It’s all valuable! This year we are reading through The One Year Bible. You can order it HERE, or if you already have a copy, feel free to use it or your own Bible. Check out our info page for links to the Bible app plan, a printable plan, and more resources.
Sunday, March 16 & 30 - Young Adults
Sunday, April 13th - Lunch with the Pastors
Sunday, April 27th - Assemble Community Care Bags
Sunday, May 4th - Baby Dedications
Sunday, May 11th - Membership Class
Online, Text to Give or Check/Cash - You can text to give 714) 888-5075 from anywhere at any time on your phone. Text the word GIVE and a dollar amount (example: give 100) to donate to our main fund. Or you can give online (click on button below) or give check or cash on Sunday. All giving is tax deductible.
FRISTERS - We are so excited to be hosting the Fristers' weekly Couples Group on Monday evenings. Visit their website to learn more. This is an opportunity for us at Cornerstone to volunteer to help their night run smoothly.
Skate Church - Join us on Tuesdays at 5:30pm for Skate Church. The Service will be held at the skate park in the parking lot at Cornerstone led by Beto Anguiano. Drop offs are ok! We'll be there from 5:30-7:30pm. Come check it out and bring your friends! Sign waiver here.
Celebrate Recovery - A Christ-centered program for anyone struggling with hurt, hang-ups or habits meets every Tuesday at Cornerstone from 6:30pm - 8pm. CR has moved to Tuesday nights. More info here
Rooted Discipleship - Rooted is a ten week discipleship course that helps establish foundational rhythms in Christian living. It is also key to developing community relationships at church. Class starts at 6:30 pm from January 15 to March 19. You must be registered for this class to attend. If you missed it this time, be sure to sign up for the next round!
Women’s Bible Study: JUDE - Meeting every Wednesday from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm February 5th to March 19th. You must be registered for this class to attend.
Cornerstone UTH - High school and middle school students, join us as we meet for youth service on Thursday evenings at 7pm until 8:30pm - but come early for hangs and skating! YOUTH night has moved to Thursday nights. Email Church if you have any questions.
First Sunday of the Month
Communion - Communion will be offered at both services in remembrance of the body and blood of Jesus that was broken and poured out at the cross. Taking Communion does not only remind us of his suffering but also shows us the amount of love Jesus has for us.
Last Sunday of the Month
Mission Sunday - This is where we highlight one of our missionaries and take a second offering to support them. These missionaries are considered part of our Cornerstone Family. Please go to our website to learn more about each of them.
Have you sensed a need to get involved and serve? Click the link below to get started!
Cornerstone Serves - If you are in need of basic resources and assistance, go here to fill out a form! We will always be accepting new team members to serve so there is also a form there that you can fill out too!
Join a ministry team! Here at Cornerstone, we want everyone to be involved by using their gifts and talents to serve our church and community. Our desire is to help you grow in your journey and serving is one of the many ways that we do that. It's also a great way to get connected!
Do we know you? Do you need anything from us? Go to the "Connect" button below to let us know more about you and how we can support you!